Farm Attractions are an active and growing part of the tourism economy. NFAN estimate there are approximately 400 farm and rural attractions in the UK welcoming 45m visits a year. Of these 219 are NFAN Members who welcome 25m visits annually.
Contributing greatly to the UK tourism economy, NFAN members employ over 13000 local people, buy local produce, educate local school children, as well as provide the regions with excellent leisure destinations.
NFAN began in 1996 through the vision of Jim Keetch, a Farm Park owner in Weldon, Northants. He was the Chairman of the Northants Farm Attractions Group and travelled the country, attending agricultural shows encouraging other farm parks to join.
Jim Keetch passed away in 1998, but his name lives on through the Jim Keetch Farm Attraction of the Year Award now in its 14th year and through his pioneering work in setting up NFAN, a voice for the farm park industry.
In 2012, NFAN were instrumental in creating the Industry Code of Practice, that outlines how visitors should interact with farm animals during their visit. More recently in 2018, NFAN launched their own certification scheme for the Code of Practice, called the Animal Attraction Assured Scheme.
*Source: NFAN Survey 2020
For members, there are huge benefits in joining NFAN. Alternatively, for further information about the tourism and farm attractions, please contact NFAN on 03333 44 8987 or email info@farmattractions.net.
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