in Events, Uncategorized, Workshops & Webinars tagged succession planningPast Event – Wednesday 8th November 2017: Bocketts Farm Park, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 9BS
10.00am – 3.30pm
Download the flyer for more information Succession Planning Workshop 2017 – Flyer , or take a look below
Many family farms and business pass down through the generations. A proactive approach to Succession Planning can help address family concerns and minimise tax implications. This workshop brings together a respected farm business consultant and a specialist tax advisor.
NFAN Workshops are aimed at Farm Park owners and key staff. Each workshop doubles as a mini open day with a presentation from the host venue and a behind the scenes tour. Numbers are limited to ensure a successful workshop with time to ask questions.
Tea & Coffee will be served from 9.30am, the workshop will start at 10am and is due to finish at 3.30pm. Lunch is provided.
The morning session will cover…
- Practical pointers for Business Succession
- Objectives
- Preparation
- Transfer
- Planning ahead
Following a presentation from Bocketts Farm about their history, current business, and their succession planning story, there will be a chance to tour the farm park.
The afternoon session covers tax issues including…
- Inheritance Tax Reliefs including:
- Agricultural Property Relief
- Business Property Relief
- Transferrable Nil Rate Bands
- Regular Gifts out of Income
- The New Residential Nil Rate Band
- Capital Gains Tax
- 10 Succession Planning “tips” to bear in mind.
Meet the Facilitators
Robin Hobson
Robin Hobson is a Director of Laurence Gould Partnership Ltd, a leading national firm of agricultural consultants. He has been providing farm business advice since 1977 throughout the south east of England. He is a well known speaker in the region on all aspects of the industry.
Robin is Chairman of LEAF Marque Ltd and involved in Care Farming-developing a Care Farm in West Sussex in conjunction with National Trust. He advises cooperative boards and also works closely with Governmental agencies, accountants, solicitors, land agents and banks in the region for the benefit of clients.
Adrian Pearce
Adrian Pearce is a Chartered Accountant and Chartered Tax Advisor with 25 years experience advising rural businesses on accounting and taxation matters. Adrian is a Partner at Kreston Reeves Chartered Accountants, one of the top 25 accountancy firms in the national rankings, has a degree in Agriculture from Reading University and lives on the family farm in West Sussex.
The Venue

Bocketts is a working family farm and award-winning farm park opened by Jane and James Gowing in 1992. Now their twin daughters, Hannah and Becky are responsible for running the extensive farm park.
Bocketts Farm Park, Young Street, Fetcham, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 9BS
Phone: 01372 363764
There are Travelodges in Leatherhead or Dorking, the Days Inn at Cobham services on the M25, or more boutique options nearby.
Costs & Booking
£85 per person + VAT
Only NFAN members can attend.
How to book
There are 20 places available allocated on a first come first served basis. To enable as many members as possible to be represented we have an initial limit of two delegates per member. Space allowing additional delegates from the same member can be booked nearer the time. To book complete the online booking below or call the NFAN Office on 01904 615059 with a credit card.
Succession Planning Workshop 2017
Online Booking below:
Complete the details below to book online. All prices exclude VAT which will be added at checkout. You will be emailed back a confirmation and VAT invoice/receipt.
Post Code payment declined: If your payment is declined please check the postcode on the Cardsave Worldpay payment page matches the one your card is registered to.
All prices are excluding VAT. VAT will be added at checkout.